R mode

 # Code from http://www.mayin.org/ajayshah/KB/R/ # FIRST LEARN ABOUT LISTS -- X = list(height=5.4, weight=54) print("Use default printing --") print(X) print("Accessing individual elements --") cat("Your height is ", X$height, " and your weight
            is ", X$weight, "\n") # FUNCTIONS -- square
            <- function(x) { return(x*x) } cat( "The square of 3 is ", square(3), "\n") # default value of the arg is set to 5. cube <- function(x=5) { return(x*x*x); } cat( "Calling cube with 2 : ", cube(2),
                "\n") # will give 2^3 cat( "Calling cube        : ", cube(), "\n") # will default to 5^3. # LEARN ABOUT FUNCTIONS THAT RETURN MULTIPLE OBJECTS -- powers <- function(x) { parcel=l ist(x2=x*x, x3=x*x*x, x4=x*x*x*x); return(parcel); } X=p owers(3);
                print( "Showing powers of 3 --"); print(X); # WRITING THIS COMPACTLY (4 lines instead of 7) powerful <- function(x) { return(list(x2=x*x, x3=x*x*x, x4=x*x*x*x)); } print( "Showing powers of 3 --"); print(powerful(3)); # In R, the last expression
                in a function is, by default, what is # returned. So you could equally just say: powerful <- function(x) {list(x2=x*x, x3=x*x*x, x4=x*x*x*x)} 

MIME types defined: text/x-rsrc.

Development of the CodeMirror R mode was kindly sponsored by Ubalo.