Select2 Bootstrap Integrating
Select2 gives you a customizable select box with support for searching, tagging, remote data sets, infinite scrolling, and many other highly used options. For more info please check out the official documentation.
and/or .select2-bootstrap-append
to the .input-group
wrapper element to address Select2's corresponding border-radii.
The theme offers styles to display "small" and "large" Select2 widgets in
Bootstrap Input Groups with
Bootstrap Control Sizing classes applied (e. g. Select2 in .input-group.input-group-sm
or .input-group.input-group-lg
). You may also apply the
Bootstrap Control Sizing classes directly to the .select2-container
to alter its appearance.
Why are some Select2's not scaled?
While .select2-container--bootstrap.input-sm
and .select2-container--bootstrap.input-lg
work as advertised, Select2 4 currently does not offer copying CSS classes from the original
element in an easy way like version 3.x did. Click the button for a demo setting the required classes on .select2-container--bootstrap
Remote Data Fetching Via Ajax
The theme's styles work in Bootstrap's Horizontal Forms and offers support for Horizontal Form Group Sizes, too.
Button Addons
Tests for Select2 widgets used in context with Bootstrap's Button Addons
- ×twbs/bootstrap
- ×select2/select2
Select2 is fully compatible with Bootstrap's native modals
The theme applies Bootstrap's styles for disabled input elements and for disabled dropdown options to the Select2 widgets and its options. Also see Select2's documentation on its " Disabled mode".
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