- eCommerce
- eCommerce Products
- Dashboard
UI Features
- Metronic Grid System
- Color Library
- General Components
- Buttons
- Spinner Buttons
- Popover Confirmations
- Bootstrap Sweet Alerts
- Font Icons
- Social Icons
- Typography
- Tabs, Accordions & Navs
- Timeline 1
- Timeline 2
- Horizontal Timeline
- Tree View
- Page Progress Bar
- Block UI
- Bootstrap Growl Notifications
- Notific8 Notifications
- Toastr Notifications
- Bootbox Dialogs
- Metronic Alerts API
- Session Timeout
- User Idle Timeout
- Modals
- Extended Modals
- Tiles
- Date Paginator
- Nestable List
- Date & Time Pickers
- Color Pickers 2
- Select2 Dropdowns
- Bootstrap Select
- Bootstrap Multiple Select
- Bootstrap Multiselect Dropdowns
- Select Splitter
- Clipboard
- Typeahead Autocomplete
- Bootstrap Tagsinput
- Bootstrap Switch 6
- Bootstrap Maxlength
- Bootstrap File Input
- Bootstrap Touchspin
- Form Widgets & Tools
- Context Menu
- Markdown & WYSIWYG Editors
- Code Editors
- Ion Range Sliders
- NoUI Range Sliders
- Knob Circle Dials
- Form Stuff
- Elements
- Tables
- Portlets
- Charts
- Maps
- Blank Page
- eCommerce
- Apps
- User
- General
- System
- Multi Level Menu
NOTE: The below datatable is not connected to a real database so the filter and sorting is just simulated for demo purposes only.
Order Listing
ID | Product Name | Category | Price | Quantity | Date Created | Status | Actions | |
| |||||
1 | Test Product | Mens/FootWear | 185.50$ | 1782 | 05/01/2011 | Publushed | Edit | |
2 | Test Product | Mens/FootWear | 185.50$ | 1916 | 05/01/2011 | Publushed | Edit | |
3 | Test Product | Mens/FootWear | 185.50$ | 2733 | 05/01/2011 | Publushed | Edit | |
4 | Test Product | Mens/FootWear | 185.50$ | 2542 | 05/01/2011 | Deleted | Edit | |
5 | Test Product | Mens/FootWear | 185.50$ | 1631 | 05/01/2011 | Deleted | Edit | |
6 | Test Product | Mens/FootWear | 185.50$ | 28 | 05/01/2011 | Publushed | Edit | |
7 | Test Product | Mens/FootWear | 185.50$ | 2024 | 05/01/2011 | Deleted | Edit | |
8 | Test Product | Mens/FootWear | 185.50$ | 762 | 05/01/2011 | Deleted | Edit | |
9 | Test Product | Mens/FootWear | 185.50$ | 2885 | 05/01/2011 | Deleted | Edit | |
10 | Test Product | Mens/FootWear | 185.50$ | 2226 | 05/01/2011 | Not Published | Edit |

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