cd theme/angular/tools
cd theme/default/tools
npm install --global npm@latest
npm install --global yarn
npm install --global gulp-cli
yarn install
. You need to run this command everytime scripts under
has been changed. This command must execute in the
gulp --prod
cd [metronic_dir]/theme/angular/dist/demo/[demo_id]
npm install
ng serve
cd [metronic_dir]/theme/default/dist/demo/[demo_id]
This section guides you to install all required software and libraries in order to fully utilize Metronic for your projects.
Node.js® is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome's V8 JavaScript engine. Node.js is required in order to run the Metronic build tools. Download the latest version of Node and install it: nodejs.org/en/download/
Npm is the package manager for JavaScript and the world’s largest software registry. Npm is a separate project from Node.js, and tends to update more frequently. As a result, even if you’ve just downloaded Node.js (and therefore npm), you’ll probably need to update your npm.
npm install --global npm@latest
Verify that npm in successfully installed, and version of installed npm will appear.
npm --version
Yarn is a package manager for your code. It allows you to use and share code with other developers from around the world. Yarn does this quickly, securely, and reliably so you don’t ever have to worry.
npm install --global yarn
Verify that yarn in successfully installed, and version of installed yarn will appear.
yarn --version
Gulp is a toolkit that helps you automate your time-consuming tasks in development workflow. To install gulp globally.
npm install --global gulp-cli
If you have previously installed a version of
globally, please remove it to make sure old version doesn't collide with new
npm rm --global gulp
Verify that gulp in successfully installed, and version of installed gulp will appear.
gulp --version
Git is a distributed version control system designed to handle projects. Download and install Git from https://git-scm.com/.
Verify that Git in successfully installed, and version of installed Git will appear.
git --version
Since Metronic v5.0.6, we are using Yarn and no longer use Bower as package dependencies. Please install the latest version Yarn for global install.
npm install --global yarn
Inside the [metronic_dir]/theme/[version_package]/tools/
directory, remove the old bower_components
folder. Run yarn install
command to install dependencies using yarn.
yarn install
Please note that [metronic_dir]
in the path introduce in this documentation, referred to the root folder where you will unzip/unpack the Metronic theme location.
is refers to the package type version.
is the default HTML versionangular
is the Angular appPath | Description |
docs | The theme documentation |
theme | The theme folder |
[version_package] | Theme version package folders, either default or angular |
dist | Theme versions folder |
angular | Theme angular version. |
default | The angular version of the defult demo. |
.. | Other demos |
html | Theme classic version |
src | Src(stands for source) contains the raw source code of javascript, scss, images and web font files that will be minified/concatenated onto assets folder for production usage |
js | Javascript source files |
media | Media(image, video, font files, etc) files |
sass | Sass source files |
vendors | 3rd party libraries |
tools | Development and deployment tools |
gulp | The build tools gulp tasks for bundle and minify the js and css files and complile sass files. |
node_modules | NPM package installation folder |
[version_package].json | Metronic build config file. Depends on which version package, either default or angular. Here you can configure the build according to your requirements |
gulpfile.json | Gulp tasks main script. All the build tool tasks are grouped in this script |
package.json | NPM package manager config file |
.. | Another version package |
Path | Description |
src | Src(stands for source) contains the raw source code of javascript, scss, images and web font files that will be minified/concatenated onto assets folder for production usage |
js | Javascript files |
app | Application level(global) javascript files |
base | Application level base javascript files are minified and concatenated into the base bundle
assets/demo/[demo_id]/base/scripts.bundle.js to be included globally.
demo_id is the selected demo name.
custom | Application level custom javascript files are minified and moved to
assets/app/js/* to be included on demand.
demo | Demo level javascript files |
default | Default demo javascript files |
base |
Demo level base javascript files are minified and concatenated into the base bundle
assets/demo/[demo_id]/base/scripts.bundle.js to be included globally.
demo_id is the selected demo name.
custom |
Demo level custom javascript files are minified and moved to
assets/demo/[demo_id]/custom/* to be included on demand.
demo_id is the selected demo name.
... | Other demos |
framework |
Framework components javascript files are minified and concatenated into the base bundle
assets/demo/[demo_id]/base/scripts.bundle.js to be included globally.
demo_id is the selected demo name.
snippets | Snippets are custom templates created for certain requirements by customizing and extending the theme's base components and plugins |
base |
Base snippets javascript files are minified and concatenated into the base bundle
assets/demo/[demo_id]/base/scripts.bundle.js to be included globally.
demo_id is the selected demo name.
custom |
Application level custom javascript files are minified and moved to
assets/snippets/* to be included on demand.
Path | Description |
src | Src(stands for source) contains the raw source code of javascript, scss, images and web font files that will be minified/concatenated onto assets folder for production usage |
sass | Javascript files |
demo | Demo level sass files |
default | Default demo sass files |
style.css |
style.scss is compiled, minified and concatenated into the base bundle stylesheet
assets/demo/[demo_id]/base/style.bundle.css to be included globally.
demo_id is the selected demo name.
... | Other demos |
framework |
Framework scss files are compiled, minified and concatenated into the base bundle
assets/demo/[demo_id]/base/style.bundle.css to be included globally.
demo_id is the selected demo name.
snippets | Snippets sass files are compiled, minified and concatenated into the base bundle
assets/demo/[demo_id]/base/style.bundle.css to be included globally.
demo_id is the selected demo name.
custom |
Application level custom javascript files are minified and moved to
assets/snippets/* to be included on demand.
Metronic build tools provides easy package management and production deployment for any type of web application that also comes with powerful asset bundle tools to organize assets structure with custom bundling for production.
Metronic's central default.json
build config files allows you manage the entire assest bundling for production by taking advantage of yarn
package manager.
The build config file is located at
and you can fully customize the build settings to meet your project requirements:
Please make sure the dist output path config.dist.angular
is set to true in default.json
, for the build tools to output the compilation.
"config": {
"demo": "",
"debug": false,
"compile": {
"jsUglify": false,
"cssMinify": false,
"jsSourcemaps": false,
"cssSourcemaps": false
"path": {
"src": "./../theme/[version_package]/src",
"node_modules": "./node_modules",
"demo_api_url": "http://keenthemes.com/metronic/preview/"
"dist": [
"build": {
"vendors": {
"base": {
"src": {
"mandatory": {
"jquery": {
"scripts": [
"bootstrap": {
"scripts": [
"js-cookie": {
"scripts": [
"jquery-smooth-scroll": {
"scripts": [
"moment": {
"scripts": [
"wNumb": {
"scripts": [
"optional": {
"jquery.repeater": {
"scripts": [
"jquery-form": {
"scripts": [
"tether": {
"styles": [
"scripts": []
"malihu-custom-scrollbar-plugin": {
"styles": [
"scripts": [
"images": [
"block-ui": {
"scripts": [
"bootstrap-datepicker": {
"styles": [
"scripts": [
"bootstrap-datetime-picker": {
"styles": [
"scripts": [
"bootstrap-timepicker": {
"styles": [
"scripts": [
"bootstrap-daterangepicker": {
"styles": [
"scripts": [
"bootstrap-touchspin": {
"styles": [
"scripts": [
"bootstrap-maxlength": {
"scripts": [
"bootstrap-switch": {
"styles": [
"scripts": [
"bootstrap-multiselectsplitter": {
"scripts": [
"bootstrap-select": {
"styles": [
"scripts": [
"select2": {
"styles": [
"scripts": [
"typeahead.js": {
"scripts": [
"inputmask": {
"scripts": [
"nouislider": {
"styles": [
"scripts": [
"autosize": {
"scripts": [
"clipboard": {
"scripts": [
"ion-rangeslider": {
"styles": [
"scripts": [
"images": [
"dropzone": {
"styles": [
"scripts": [
"summernote": {
"styles": [
"scripts": [
"fonts": [
"bootstrap-makrdown": {
"styles": [
"scripts": [
"jquery-validation": {
"scripts": [
"remarkable-bootstrap-notify": {
"scripts": [
"animate.css": {
"styles": [
"toastr": {
"styles": [
"scripts": [
"jstree": {
"styles": [
"scripts": [
"images": [
"morris.js": {
"styles": [
"scripts": [
"chartist": {
"styles": [
"scripts": [
"chart.js": {
"scripts": [
"bootstrap-session-timeout": {
"scripts": [
"jquery-idletimer": {
"scripts": [
"counterup": {
"scripts": [
"socicon": {
"styles": [
"fonts": [
"font-awesome": {
"styles": [
"fonts": [
"line-awesome": {
"styles": [
"fonts": [
"flaticon": {
"styles": [
"fonts": [
"metronic": {
"styles": [
"fonts": [
"bundle": {
"styles": "{$config.output}/vendors/base/vendors.bundle.css",
"scripts": "{$config.output}/vendors/base/vendors.bundle.js",
"images": "{$config.output}/vendors/base/images",
"fonts": "{$config.output}/vendors/base/fonts"
"custom": {
"jquery-ui": {
"src": {
"styles": [
"scripts": [
"bundle": {
"styles": "{$config.output}/vendors/custom/jquery-ui/jquery-ui.bundle.css",
"scripts": "{$config.output}/vendors/custom/jquery-ui/jquery-ui.bundle.js"
"fullcalendar": {
"src": {
"styles": [
"scripts": [
"bundle": {
"styles": "{$config.output}/vendors/custom/fullcalendar/fullcalendar.bundle.css",
"scripts": "{$config.output}/vendors/custom/fullcalendar/fullcalendar.bundle.js"
"gmaps": {
"src": {
"scripts": [
"bundle": {
"scripts": "{$config.output}/vendors/custom/gmaps/gmaps.js"
"jqvmap": {
"src": {
"styles": [
"scripts": [
"bundle": {
"styles": "{$config.output}/vendors/custom/jqvmap/jqvmap.bundle.css",
"scripts": "{$config.output}/vendors/custom/jqvmap/jqvmap.bundle.js"
"flot": {
"src": {
"scripts": [
"bundle": {
"scripts": "{$config.output}/vendors/custom/flot/flot.bundle.js"
"demo": {
"default": {
"base": {
"src": {
"styles": [
"scripts": [
"bundle": {
"styles": "{$config.output}/demo/default/base/style.bundle.css",
"scripts": "{$config.output}/demo/default/base/scripts.bundle.js"
"custom": {
"src": {
"scripts": [
"media": [
"output": {
"scripts": "{$config.output}/demo/default/custom/",
"media": "{$config.output}/demo/default/media/"
"demo2": {
"base": {
"src": {
"styles": [
"scripts": [
"bundle": {
"styles": "{$config.output}/demo/demo2/base/style.bundle.css",
"scripts": "{$config.output}/demo/demo2/base/scripts.bundle.js"
"custom": {
"src": {
"scripts": [
"media": [
"output": {
"scripts": "{$config.output}/demo/demo2/custom/",
"media": "{$config.output}/demo/demo2/media/"
"demo3": {
"base": {
"src": {
"styles": [
"scripts": [
"bundle": {
"styles": "{$config.output}/demo/demo3/base/style.bundle.css",
"scripts": "{$config.output}/demo/demo3/base/scripts.bundle.js"
"custom": {
"src": {
"scripts": [
"media": [
"output": {
"scripts": "{$config.output}/demo/demo3/custom/",
"media": "{$config.output}/demo/demo3/media/"
"demo4": {
"base": {
"src": {
"styles": [
"scripts": [
"bundle": {
"styles": "{$config.output}/demo/demo4/base/style.bundle.css",
"scripts": "{$config.output}/demo/demo4/base/scripts.bundle.js"
"custom": {
"src": {
"scripts": [
"media": [
"output": {
"scripts": "{$config.output}/demo/demo4/custom/",
"media": "{$config.output}/demo/demo4/media/"
"demo5": {
"base": {
"src": {
"styles": [
"scripts": [
"bundle": {
"styles": "{$config.output}/demo/demo5/base/style.bundle.css",
"scripts": "{$config.output}/demo/demo5/base/scripts.bundle.js"
"custom": {
"src": {
"scripts": [
"media": [
"output": {
"scripts": "{$config.output}/demo/demo5/custom/",
"media": "{$config.output}/demo/demo5/media/"
"demo6": {
"base": {
"src": {
"styles": [
"scripts": [
"bundle": {
"styles": "{$config.output}/demo/demo6/base/style.bundle.css",
"scripts": "{$config.output}/demo/demo6/base/scripts.bundle.js"
"custom": {
"src": {
"scripts": [
"media": [
"output": {
"scripts": "{$config.output}/demo/demo6/custom/",
"media": "{$config.output}/demo/demo6/media/"
"snippets": {
"src": {
"scripts": [
"output": {
"scripts": "{$config.output}/snippets/"
"app": {
"src": {
"scripts": [
"media": [
"output": {
"scripts": "{$config.output}/app/js",
"media": "{$config.output}/app/media"
Vendors list under build.vendors.base.src.mandatory
is required, and the
is optional. Also JS & CSS files in
is required for specific demo styles and scripts.
* [demo_id]
is the unique demo name, like default, demo2, demo3, etc.
Under snippets
nodes are for preview demo and optional.
Build Config | ||
Field | Type | Description |
config.demo |
string |
Specify an ID of the selected demo for gulp tool to build assets only for selected demo |
config.debug |
boolean |
Enable/disable debug console log. |
config.compile.jsUglify |
boolean |
Enable/disable output Javascript minify. |
config.compile.cssMinify |
boolean |
Enable/disable output CSS minify. |
config.compile.jsSourcemaps |
boolean |
Enable/disable output Javascript with sourcemaps. |
config.compile.cssSourcemaps |
boolean |
Enable/disable output CSS with sourcemaps. |
config.path |
object |
Predefined paths the where src/ , node_modules/ and
theme/[version_package]/src/ are located.
demo_api_url is the ajax API path used by datatables, dropdowns with live search and other json server side data source related demos.
config.dist |
object |
dist stands for
distributable and refers to the directories where the minified and bundled assets will be stored for production uses.
Build Items | ||
build.vendors |
object |
vendors object specifies all 3rd party resources to be deployed to
assets/vendors/ folder for production usage
build.vendors.base |
object |
This object specifies global 3rd party resources to be added into the base css and js vendors bundles
assets/vendors/base/vendors.bundle.js and
assets/vendors/base/vendors.bundle.css The 3rd party plugin images or font files also will be deployed into assets/vendors/base/images and
build.vendors.custom |
object |
This object specifies 3rd party resources that are includable on demand from
assets/vendors/custom/ folder
build.demo.default |
object |
Default demo assets
build.demo.default.base |
object |
This object specifies the global assets of the demo to be added into the base css and js demo bundles
and assets/demo/default/base/styles.bundle.css The media(e.g: images) of the demo are deployed into assets/demo/default/media
build.demo.default.custom |
object |
This object specifies custom assets that are includable on demand from
assets/demo/default/custom/ folder
build.snippets |
object |
This object specifies snippets assets that are includable on demand from
assets/snippets/ folder
build.app |
object |
This object specifies application level global assets that are includable on demand from
assets/app/ folder.
Useful if you want to add custom scripts that are used in some spesific pages only.
Please update the Node.js
, global npm
and yarn
to the latest version, if you got the error related to the node-sass
Make sure that before running below tasks the demo
parameter in
is set to your current selected demo id (e.g: default, demo2, demo8 or demo12).
Leave the demo
parameter empty to build for all demos.
Please set config.path.demo_api_url
parameter in
URL to your installed localhost API.
Launch your terminal and change its current directory to the project's tools folder where the build files are located. All commands below must be run in this tools folder.
cd [metronic_dir]/theme/[version_package]/tools/
For the first time launch, run the command below to install the npm dependencies defined in
(if you haven't done already) :
yarn install
For the first time or after every modification in
, run below task to compile the assets as defined in
Provide argument --prod
to build assets with JS and CSS minify enabled.
gulp --prod
Run below task to update server side ajax demo API URL fix (required fix for angular and html versions) as defined in
right after gulp
task completed:
gulp apiurl
In some cases, if the Angular demo folder was moved to other directory, gulp
command may not work.
Please use gulp --angular
for the assets compilation.
gulp --angular
Base theme CSS & JS in
. When you run gulp, all CSS & JS from
will be compiled and place into several demo locations, for Angular and HTML static.
The compile output folder is defined in
file, under
You can create another compile output path.
"dist": [
Gulp can run automatically when a file changed. Watch tasks file is located in
To run watcher for all JS and CSS files. Run command below.
gulp watch
You also can run watcher separately for JS and CSS.
gulp watch:js
gulp watch:scss
Each demo has own base style
that will be compiled and added into the demo's base css bundle
The demo's
includes the entire framework stylesheets and compiles with its own layout and global settings that overrides's Metronic frameworks base global settings. Thus each demo can customize and change the look and feel of the the entire theme components by overriding global config
by the demo level config
Metronic uses nested map list to structure the config options with special custom function
to access the nested config structure.
Below is the example of the framework's base SASS config:
//** Global Config
//== Framework SASS Functions
@import "base/functions";
//== Layout Breakpoints
// Define the minimum and maximum dimensions at which your layout will change,
// adapting to different screen sizes, for use in media queries.
$m--layout-breakpoints: (
// Small screen / phone
sm: 576px,
// Medium screen / tablet
md: 768px,
// Large screen / desktop
lg: 992px,
// Extra large screen / wide desktop
xl: 1200px,
// Extra large screen / wide desktop
xxl: 1400px,
xxxl: 1600px
) !default;
//== Global arrow style
$m--arrow-style: 'smooth'; // supported options: smooth, classic
//== Default skin
$m--default-skin: 'light'; // supported options: light, dark
//== Global rounded border mode
$m--rounded: true;
//== Force cursor with pointer for button tags globally
$m--btn-force-hover-pointer: true;
//== Border Radius
$m--border-radius: (
general: 4px,
dropdown: 6px,
scrollbar: 2px
//== Transition
$m--transition: (
general: all 0.3s,
link: (
hover: color .4s ease
//== UI State Color
$m--state-colors: (
// metronic states
brand: (
base: #716aca,
inverse: #ffffff
metal: (
base: #c4c5d6,
inverse: #111111
light: (
base: #ffffff,
inverse: #282a3c
accent: (
base: #00c5dc,
inverse: #ffffff
focus: (
base: #9816f4,
inverse: #ffffff
// bootstrap states
primary: (
base: #5867dd,
inverse: #ffffff
success: (
base: #34bfa3,
inverse: #ffffff
info: (
base: #36a3f7,
inverse: #ffffff
warning: (
base: #ffb822,
inverse: #111111
danger: (
base: #f4516c,
inverse: #ffffff
//== The body element font settings
$m--root-font: (
size: (
desktop: 14px,
tablet: 13px,
mobile: 13px
weight: 300,
color: (
light: #333333,
dark: #efefef
//== Best font families
$m--font-families: (
regular: 'Poppins',
heading: 'Roboto'
//== General link font settings
$m--link-font: (
default: (
color: (
light: get-brand-color(),
dark: get-brand-color()
hover: (
color: (
light: get-brand-color('+'),
dark: get-brand-color('+')
You can access to an option by using
function as shown below:
$border-radius: array-get($m--border-radius, general); // 4px;
$brand-base-color: array-get($m--state-colors, brand, base); // #716aca
$brand-inverse-color: array-get($m--state-colors, brand, inverse); // #ffffff
You can use Metronic's globally available base mixins in your custom codes. All available mixins can be found here:
You can use Metronic's globally available SASS functions in your custom codes. All available functions can be found here:
Class | Description |
m--margin-[size] m--margin-top-[size] m--margin-bottom-[size] m--margin-left-[size] m--margin-right-[size]
Margin helper classes where
[size] can accept 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45 and 50. Example:
m--margin-10 , m--margin-top-20 |
m--padding-[size] m--padding-top-[size] m--padding-bottom-[size] m--padding-left-[size] m--padding-right-[size]
Padding helper classes where
[size] can accept 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45 and 50. Example:
m--padding-10 , m--padding-left-20 |
Set full 100% height helper class. |
m--valign-top m--valign-middle m--valign-bottom |
Vertical align the content to top, middle or bottom |
Space helper classes where
[size] can accept 5, 10, 15, 20, 30, and 40. Example:
m--space-10 , m--space-20 |
Helper class to set element centered. |
Alignment helper classes where
[alignment] can accept right, left and center. Example:
m--align-right , m--align-center |
Pull element helper classes where
[direction] can accept right and left. Example:
m--pull-right , m--pull-left |
Image rounded border helper class |
Helper class to set element display as inline block. |
Helper class to hide element. |
Remove margin helper class |
Helper class to set image centered |
m--font-transform-u m--font-transform-l m--font-transform-c m--font-transform-i |
Text transform helper classes. |
Weight helper classes where
[weight] can accept thin, normal, bold, bolder, boldest and boldest2. Example:
m--font-thin , m--font-normal ,
m--font-bold |
Font size helper classes where [type] can accept text and icon.
[size] can accept lg1, lg2, lg3, lg4, lg5, sm1, sm2, sm3, sm4, and sm5. Example:
m--icon-font-size-lg3 , m--font-normal |
m--font-[color] m--font-inverse-[color] m--bg-[color] m--bg-fill-[color] |
Font and background color helper classes where
[color] can accept brand, metal, light, accent, focus, primary, success, info, warning and danger. Example:
m--font-inverse-primary , m--bg-info ,
m--bg-fill-danger |
m--visible-[breakpoint] m--visible-[breakpoint]-inline-block m--hidden-[breakpoint] |
Helper classes to set visible or hidden for responsive breakpoint.
[breakpoint] can accept sm, md, lg, xl, xxl, xxxl. Example:
m--visible-sm , m--visible-md-inline-block ,
m--hidden-xl |
is Metronic's base utility helper class defined in
and globally available within the theme.
is Metronic's base javascript class defined in
and globally available within the theme that handles all the initializaitons of base components such as bootstrap popover and tooltips, scrollable contents(using Custom Scroll plugin), etc.
The Metronic's Menu components allows to manage both horizontal and vertical multi level menus for both desktop and mobile modes.
The below code shows the basic vertical menu
initialization with
submenu mode:
var menu = $('#m_menu').mMenu({
// submenu settings
submenu: {
// breakpoints
desktop: {
default: 'accordion', // by default the submenu mode set to accordion
state: {
body: 'm-aside-left--minimize', // whenever the page body has this class switch the submenu mode to dropdown
mode: 'dropdown'
tablet: 'accordion', // the submenu mode set to accordion for tablet
mobile: 'accordion' // the submenu mode set to accordion for mobile
//accordion mode settings
accordion: {
autoScroll: true,
expandAll: false
The below code shows the basic vertical menu
initialization with
hoverable dropdown
submenu mode:
var menu = $('#m_menu').mMenu({
// submenu settings
submenu: {
// breakpoints
desktop: 'dropdown', // the submenu mode set to dropdown for desktop
tablet: 'accordion', // the submenu mode set to accordion for tablet
mobile: 'accordion' // the submenu mode set to accordion for mobile
//accordion mode settings
accordion: {
autoScroll: true,
expandAll: false
The below code shows the basic horizontal menu
var menu = $('#m_menu').mMenu({
// submenu modes
submenu: {
desktop: 'dropdown',
tablet: 'accordion',
mobile: 'accordion'
// resize menu on window resize
resize: {
desktop: function() {
var headerNavWidth = $('#m_header_nav').width();
var headerMenuWidth = $('#m_header_menu_container').width();
var headerTopbarWidth = $('#m_header_topbar').width();
var spareWidth = 20;
if ((headerMenuWidth + headerTopbarWidth + spareWidth) > headerNavWidth) {
return false;
} else {
return true;
Method | Description |
menu.setActiveItem(item) |
Sets given menu item(e.g LI tag with
m-menu__item class) as active.
item is jQuery element object.
menu.getBreadcrumbs(item) |
Gets breadcumbs path for the give item.
item is jQuery element object. Returns array of parents of the given item.
Dropdown component used to display flexible dropdown content
The below examples code shows basic dropdown initialization:
var dropdown = $('#m_dropdown').mDropdown();
Method | Description | |||||||||||||||
dropdown.show() |
Shows the dropdown | |||||||||||||||
dropdown.hide() |
Hides the shown dropdown | |||||||||||||||
dropdown.isShown() |
Checkes whether the dropdown is shown.
dropdown.setContent(content) |
Replaces the dropdown inner content.
dropdown.on(event, handler) |
Registers the dropdown event handler.
Portlet component used to display flexible portlet content
The below examples code shows basic portlet initialization:
var portlet = $('#m_portlet').mPortlet();
Method | Description | ||||||||||||||||||
portlet.remove() |
Remove portlet. | ||||||||||||||||||
portlet.reload() |
Reload portlet. | ||||||||||||||||||
portlet.setContent() |
Set portlet content. | ||||||||||||||||||
portlet.collapse() |
Collapse portlet | ||||||||||||||||||
portlet.expand() |
Expand portlet | ||||||||||||||||||
portlet.fullscreen() |
Fullscreen portlet | ||||||||||||||||||
portlet.unFullscreen() |
Unfullscreen portlet | ||||||||||||||||||
portlet.getBody() |
Get portletbody | ||||||||||||||||||
portlet.getSelf() |
Get portletbody | ||||||||||||||||||
portlet.on(event, handler) |
Add event to portlet with callback
portlet.one(event, handler) |
Set portlet content
Form wizard component presents a user with a sequence of form inputs group that lead the user through a well-defined steps.
The below examples code shows basic form wizard initialization:
var wizard = $('#m_wizard').mWizard();
Field | Type | Description | ||
startStep | number |
Initial step number
Method | Description | ||||||||||||||||||
wizard.goNext() |
Go to the next step. | ||||||||||||||||||
wizard.goPrev() |
Go to the previous step. | ||||||||||||||||||
wizard.goLast() |
Go to the last step. | ||||||||||||||||||
wizard.goFirst() |
Go to the first step. | ||||||||||||||||||
wizard.goTo() |
Go to a step specified by step number.
wizard.getStep() |
Get current step number. | ||||||||||||||||||
wizard.isLastStep() |
Check last step. | ||||||||||||||||||
wizard.isFirstStep() |
Check first step. | ||||||||||||||||||
wizard.on(event, handler) |
Attach event to wizard with callback
wizard.one(event, handler) |
Attach event that will be fired once
is a Metronic's custom plugin defined in
Below code shows basic initialization of the datatable from element with attribute ID
<div id="m_datatable"></div>
var datatable = $('#m_datatable').mDatatable(options);
You can also init the datatable using the class name. But the ID attribute is required for the datatable session state such as pagination, query, etc. Datatable save state can be disabled if don't require.
<div class="my_datatable" id="m_datatable"></div>
var datatable = $('.my_datatable').mDatatable(options);
var options = {
data: {
type: 'remote',
source: {
read: {
url: 'inc/api/datatables/demos/orders.php',
method: 'GET',
// custom headers
headers: { 'x-my-custom-header': 'some value', 'x-test-header': 'the value'},
params: {
// custom query params
query: {
generalSearch: '',
EmployeeID: 1,
someParam: 'someValue',
token: 'token-value'
map: function(raw) {
// sample data mapping
var dataSet = raw;
if (typeof raw.data !== 'undefined') {
dataSet = raw.data;
return dataSet;
pageSize: 10,
saveState: {
cookie: true,
webstorage: true
serverPaging: false,
serverFiltering: false,
serverSorting: false
layout: {
theme: 'default',
class: 'm-datatable--brand',
scroll: false,
height: null,
footer: false,
header: true,
smoothScroll: {
scrollbarShown: true
spinner: {
overlayColor: '#000000',
opacity: 0,
type: 'loader',
state: 'brand',
message: true
icons: {
sort: {asc: 'la la-arrow-up', desc: 'la la-arrow-down'},
pagination: {
next: 'la la-angle-right',
prev: 'la la-angle-left',
first: 'la la-angle-double-left',
last: 'la la-angle-double-right',
more: 'la la-ellipsis-h'
rowDetail: {expand: 'fa fa-caret-down', collapse: 'fa fa-caret-right'}
sortable: false,
pagination: true,
search: {
// enable trigger search by keyup enter
onEnter: false,
// input text for search
input: $('#generalSearch'),
// search delay in milliseconds
delay: 400,
detail: {
title: 'Load sub table',
content: function (e) {
// e.data
// e.detailCell
rows: {
callback: function() {},
// auto hide columns, if rows overflow. work on non locked columns
autoHide: false,
// columns definition
columns: [{
field: "RecordID",
title: "#",
locked: {left: 'xl'},
sortable: false,
width: 40,
selector: {class: 'm-checkbox--solid m-checkbox--brand'}
}, {
field: "OrderID",
title: "Order ID",
sortable: 'asc',
filterable: false,
width: 150,
responsive: {visible: 'lg'},
locked: {left: 'xl'},
template: '{{OrderID}} - {{ShipCountry}}'
}, {
field: "ShipCountry",
title: "Ship Country",
width: 150,
overflow: 'visible',
template: function (row) {
return row.ShipCountry + ' - ' + row.ShipCity;
}, {
field: "ShipCountry",
title: "Ship Country",
width: 150,
overflow: 'visible',
sortCallback: function (data, sort, column) {
var field = column['field'];
return $(data).sort(function (a, b) {
var aField = a[field];
var bField = b[field];
if (sort === 'asc') {
return parseFloat(aField) > parseFloat(bField)
? 1 : parseFloat(aField) < parseFloat(bField)
? -1
: 0;
} else {
return parseFloat(aField) < parseFloat(bField)
? 1 : parseFloat(aField) > parseFloat(bField)
? -1
: 0;
toolbar: {
layout: ['pagination', 'info'],
placement: ['bottom'], //'top', 'bottom'
items: {
pagination: {
type: 'default',
pages: {
desktop: {
layout: 'default',
pagesNumber: 6
tablet: {
layout: 'default',
pagesNumber: 3
mobile: {
layout: 'compact'
navigation: {
prev: true,
next: true,
first: true,
last: true
pageSizeSelect: [10, 20, 30, 50, 100]
info: true
translate: {
records: {
processing: 'Please wait...',
noRecords: 'No records found'
toolbar: {
pagination: {
items: {
default: {
first: 'First',
prev: 'Previous',
next: 'Next',
last: 'Last',
more: 'More pages',
input: 'Page number',
select: 'Select page size'
info: 'Displaying {{start}} - {{end}} of {{total}} records'
Field | Type | Description | |||||||||||||||||
data.type |
string |
Required. Set type to remote for remote data get public URL.
local is for local data predefined in variable.
data.source.read.url |
string |
If data.type is defined as
remote . Type of remote datasource can be static or dynamic.
For the static datasource you can define static JSON file URL. And for dynamic datasource with pagination, sorting and filtering need to be defined as above sample.
url is required, and params object is optional.
data.source.read.method |
string |
Request method for ajax request. The value can be GET or
The default value is POST .
data.source.read.headers |
object |
Headers parameter object will be sent along in the datatable API request headers.
data.source.read.params |
object |
Your own API may requires some parameter to call for getting the data. E.g. token, search keywords, IDs, etc. This query parameters object will be sent along in the datatable API request.
data.source.read.map |
function |
Custom mapping the received data into datatable grid.
data.pageSize |
number |
Define page size of data for each request. Default value is 10.
data.saveState.cookie |
boolean |
Set true or false to enable/disable datatable state to save in
cookie . Default value is true.
data.saveState.webstorage |
boolean |
Set true or false to enable/disable datatable state to save in
webstorage . Default value is true.
data.serverPaging |
boolean |
Enable/disable pagination in server side. Only applied for the
remote data.type.
data.serverFiltering |
boolean |
Enable/disable filtering in server side. Only applied for the
remote data.type.
data.serverSorting |
boolean |
Enable/disable sorting in server side. Only applied for the
remote data.type.
Layout | |||||||||||||||||||
layout.theme |
string |
Define which class of theme to apply into datatable.
layout.class |
string |
Custom class to add into datatable.
layout.scroll |
boolean |
Enable/disable scroll.
layout.height |
string |
Define fixed height for the datatable.
layout.footer |
boolean |
Enable/disable footer.
layout.header |
boolean |
Enable/disable header.
layout.smoothScroll |
boolean |
Enable/disable smooth scroll with the scroll bar.
layout.spinner.overlayColor |
string |
Spinner background overlay color.
layout.spinner.opacity |
number |
Spinner background opacity.
layout.spinner.type |
string |
Spinner type.
layout.spinner.state |
string |
Spinner state style. Default to brand.
layout.spinner.message |
boolean string |
Enable/disable loading message during spinner is active. Set boolean or text string message.
layout.icons.sort |
object |
Options config for the icons class for sorting icon ascending and descending.
layout.icons.pagination |
object |
Icons for pagination buttons.
layout.icons.rowDetail |
object |
rowDetail is for expand and collapse icon for table with child table.
Others | |||||||||||||||||||
sortable |
boolean |
Enable/disable columns sortable globally.
pagination |
boolean |
Enable/disable pagination globally.
search.onEnter |
boolean |
Set the search input keyup event to enter. The internal search will be triggered using Enter button. Set false to trigger search on keyup any buttons.
search.input |
jQuery |
Pass the jQuery element of input. The datatable will add onKeyup event to the input to trigger the internal search filter the data that already in the table.
search.delay |
number |
Control the speed of search and data load request to reduce the search call frequency automatically. Default value is 400ms.
Set the number of milliseconds.
Toolbar | |||||||||||||||||||
toolbar.layout |
array |
Set the order of pagination and info by array index.
toolbar.placement |
array |
An array list of placement for pagination buttons. Can be multiple values. Set the pagination placement to bottom or top.
toolbar.items |
string |
Pagination type.
toolbar.items |
object |
Pagination pages responsive config for desktop. An object that contains layout and pagesNumber. Default value for layout is default. Define pagesNumber to specify how many number of page for each responsive breakpoint.
toolbar.items |
object |
Pagination pages responsive config for tablet. An object that contains layout and pagesNumber. Default value for layout is default. Define pagesNumber to specify how many number of page for each responsive breakpoint.
toolbar.items |
object |
Pagination pages responsive config for mobile. Default value for layout is compact.
Layout compact type do not have to specify pagesNumber.
toolbar.items |
object |
Enable/disable pagination buttons for prev, next, first, last.
toolbar.items |
array |
Array of Number for select size dropdown to select pagination size. -1 is used for "All" option.
toolbar.items.info |
boolean |
Enable/disable display of records and pagination info.
Translate | |||||||||||||||||||
translate.records.processing |
string |
Translation for records loading during spinner is active.
translate.records.noRecords |
string |
Translation for no records message.
translate.toolbar |
object |
Translation for pagination. Contains key for first, prev, next, last, more, input, select.
translate.toolbar |
string |
Translation for info template.
Detail | |||||||||||||||||||
detail.title |
string |
Sub table title.
detail.content |
object |
A callback function of
Datatable instance as a sub table of each record. The callback has one parameter which you can access the row data
event.data and child table element in
event.detailCell .
Rows | |||||||||||||||||||
rows |
object |
An array of columns with options object for each column. First column should be define as a unique key for each records. | |||||||||||||||||
rows.callback |
string |
Row callback. Deprecated in v5.0.6
Please use rows.beforeTemplate instead.
rows.beforeTemplate |
string |
Row callback that call before template being rendered. Receive 3 params which are the row jQuery element, the row data and row number index.
rows.afterTemplate |
string |
Row callback that call after rows has been rendered. Receive 3 params which are the row jQuery element, the row data and row number index.
rows.autoHide |
boolean |
Auto hide columns which are overflow in a row
Columns | |||||||||||||||||||
columns |
array |
An array of columns with options object for each column. First column should be define as a unique key for each records. | |||||||||||||||||
columns[ColName].field |
string |
Required. The field name of column.
columns[ColName].title |
string |
Required. The title name and will be displayed as header or footer.
columns[ColName].sortable |
boolean |
Enable/disable sort feature for the column.
columns[ColName].width |
number |
The width size of cells under this column.
columns[ColName].textAlign |
string |
The alignment of cells text under this column.
columns[ColName].template |
function string |
A callback function support for column rendering and recieve a parameter object of current row's value.
Can be also a string with placeholder and define with field name {{field}}.
columns[ColName].sortCallback |
function string |
A callback function support for custom sorting.
columns[ColName].overflow |
string |
CSS overflow value.
columns[ColName].responsive |
object |
Set visible or invisible for each responsive breakpoint.
columns[ColName].selector |
object |
Enable column as selector (checkbox only with no text) and provide custom
class name.
columns[ColName].locked |
object |
Set the column to which side to be locked or static. Set object with which side left/right as key and the value is which responsive breakpoint to lock.
Method | Description | ||||||||||||
m-datatable--on-init |
Initialization of table.
m-datatable--on-destroy |
On datatable destroyed.
Event that will be triggered on layout rendering update and resizing datatable.
m-datatable--on-ajax-done |
After ajax request is completed.
m-datatable--on-ajax-fail |
Ajax request is failed.
m-datatable--on-goto-page |
Navigate to any page number.
Update page size.
m-datatable--on-reloaded |
Reload datatable.
m-datatable--on-check |
On check checkbox selector.
m-datatable--on-uncheck |
On uncheck checkbox selector.
m-datatable--on-sort |
Sorting datatable.
Method | Description | ||||||||||||
datatable.load() |
Load datatable datasource. Same function with datatable.reload(). | ||||||||||||
datatable.reload() |
Reload datatable datasource and rerender the table. | ||||||||||||
datatable.destroy() |
Destroy the datatable instance and revert the HTML. | ||||||||||||
datatable.getRecord(id) |
Select record in the datatable by ID. ID is refers to the value of first column.
Use with chaining methods datatable.getColumn(columnName)
Get column by column name.
Use with chaining methods
datatable.getValue() to get a cell value.
datatable.getValue() |
Get selected records values as string.
datatable.sort(columnName, sort)
Sort datatable by columnName field. Sort by ascending or descending.
datatable.setActive(cell) |
Set datatable selector checkbox to active state.
datatable.setInactive(cell) |
Set datatable selector checkbox to inactive state.
Set datatable selector checkbox active/inactive for all records.
Get selected records.
datatable.search(value, column)
Execute search method to filter datatable records.
datatable.setDataSourceParam(param, value) |
Modify the datasource parameters and save it in datatable state.
Must be call
datatable.load() to load new modified datasource and rerender table.
datatable.getDataSourceParam(param) |
Get current datasource parameters by param type of pagination, sort, or query.
A helper function shortcut to
datatable.getDataSourceParam('query') .
Get current query datasource parameter.
datatable.getCurrentPage() |
Get current selected page number
datatable.getPageSize() |
Get current selected page size number.
datatable.getTotalRows() |
Get total rows of record.
datatable.table() |
Return the jQuery element of the table | ||||||||||||
datatable.row(selector) |
Select a single row from the table by css selector. The method return datatable instance.
datatable.rows(selector) |
Select multiple rows from the table by css selector. The method return datatable instance.
datatable.column(index) |
Select a single column from the table index. The method return datatable instance.
datatable.columns(selector) |
Select multiple columns from the table by css selector. The method return datatable instance.
datatable.remove() |
Delete selected a single row or multiples rows. Can be used after selector methods row(selector) or
rows(selector) .
datatable.visible(visibility) |
Set the visibility of selected rows or columns. Can be used after selector methods row(selector) or
rows(selector) .
datatable.nodes() |
Return nodes of the selected rows or columns. Can be used after selector methods row(selector) or
rows(selector) .
Below is the sample ajax response from back-end for the remote source datatable.
"meta": {
"page": 1,
"pages": 35,
"perpage": 10,
"total": 350,
"sort": "asc",
"field": "ShipDate"
"data": [
"RecordID": 10,
"OrderID": "55154-5393",
"ShipCountry": "NG",
"ShipCity": "Sapele",
"ShipName": "Moen, Kertzmann and Mills",
"ShipAddress": "1 Nancy Junction",
"CompanyEmail": "epere9@sina.com.cn",
"CompanyAgent": "Ely Pere",
"CompanyName": "Jacobi, O'Conner and Kuhlman",
"Currency": "NGN",
"Notes": "adipiscing molestie hendrerit at vulputate vitae nisl aenean lectus pellentesque eget nunc donec quis orci eget orci vehicula",
"Department": "Shoes",
"Website": "whitehouse.gov",
"Latitude": 5.8750769,
"Longitude": 5.6931356,
"ShipDate": "1\/1\/2016",
"PaymentDate": "2017-06-20 10:42:35",
"TimeZone": "Africa\/Lagos",
"Status": 3,
"Type": 1,
"TotalPayment": "88,211.68 NGN"
"RecordID": 263,
"OrderID": "43406-0032",
"ShipCountry": "US",
"ShipCity": "Fort Pierce",
"ShipName": "Moore-Schaden",
"ShipAddress": "451 Fuller Junction",
"CompanyEmail": "tdefau7a@google.pl",
"CompanyAgent": "Tristan Defau",
"CompanyName": "Mayer and Sons",
"Currency": "USD",
"Notes": "mauris enim leo rhoncus sed vestibulum sit amet cursus id turpis integer aliquet massa id lobortis convallis tortor risus",
"Department": "Music",
"Website": "cornell.edu",
"Latitude": 27.3980151,
"Longitude": -80.3714326,
"ShipDate": "1\/1\/2017",
"PaymentDate": "2017-05-21 01:45:57",
"TimeZone": "America\/New_York",
"Status": 2,
"Type": 2,
"TotalPayment": "7,105.23 USD"
"RecordID": 77,
"OrderID": "68016-527",
"ShipCountry": "PH",
"ShipCity": "Batarasa",
"ShipName": "Gibson Inc",
"ShipAddress": "948 Roxbury Center",
"CompanyEmail": "smatitiaho24@dailymotion.com",
"CompanyAgent": "Skippy Matitiaho",
"CompanyName": "Monahan, Haley and Murphy",
"Currency": "PHP",
"Notes": "sit amet consectetuer adipiscing elit proin risus praesent lectus vestibulum quam sapien varius",
"Department": "Jewelery",
"Website": "printfriendly.com",
"Latitude": 8.5015747,
"Longitude": 117.3557854,
"ShipDate": "1\/12\/2017",
"PaymentDate": "2016-09-07 16:34:55",
"TimeZone": "Asia\/Manila",
"Status": 1,
"Type": 3,
"TotalPayment": "9,541.82 PHP"
"RecordID": 330,
"OrderID": "54868-5303",
"ShipCountry": "PH",
"ShipCity": "Sillon",
"ShipName": "Balistreri Group",
"ShipAddress": "8203 Truax Center",
"CompanyEmail": "kvickarman95@storify.com",
"CompanyAgent": "Kipp Vickarman",
"CompanyName": "Kerluke and Sons",
"Currency": "PHP",
"Notes": "lobortis ligula sit amet eleifend pede libero quis orci nullam molestie",
"Department": "Clothing",
"Website": "vkontakte.ru",
"Latitude": 11.186148,
"Longitude": 123.7487563,
"ShipDate": "1\/14\/2017",
"PaymentDate": "2017-05-16 18:29:45",
"TimeZone": "Asia\/Manila",
"Status": 6,
"Type": 1,
"TotalPayment": "8,300.97 PHP"
"RecordID": 51,
"OrderID": "49884-659",
"ShipCountry": "ID",
"ShipCity": "Atap",
"ShipName": "Blanda Group",
"ShipAddress": "1 Monica Alley",
"CompanyEmail": "sjackes1e@reuters.com",
"CompanyAgent": "Shelagh Jackes",
"CompanyName": "Schiller Inc",
"Currency": "IDR",
"Notes": "iaculis justo in hac habitasse platea dictumst etiam faucibus cursus",
"Department": "Jewelery",
"Website": "forbes.com",
"Latitude": 3.8152026,
"Longitude": 117.1147095,
"ShipDate": "1\/15\/2016",
"PaymentDate": "2016-06-24 03:01:19",
"TimeZone": "Asia\/Makassar",
"Status": 2,
"Type": 1,
"TotalPayment": "8,397.18 IDR"
"RecordID": 313,
"OrderID": "23155-179",
"ShipCountry": "PA",
"ShipCity": "Potrero Grande",
"ShipName": "Olson, Schmeler and Little",
"ShipAddress": "3 Bartillon Place",
"CompanyEmail": "cgrandison8o@auda.org.au",
"CompanyAgent": "Corliss Grandison",
"CompanyName": "Mills-Beatty",
"Currency": "PAB",
"Notes": "egestas metus aenean fermentum donec ut mauris eget massa tempor convallis nulla neque libero convallis eget eleifend",
"Department": "Clothing",
"Website": "mlb.com",
"Latitude": 8.881634,
"Longitude": -79.8268729,
"ShipDate": "1\/16\/2016",
"PaymentDate": "2017-12-06 10:30:59",
"TimeZone": "America\/Panama",
"Status": 3,
"Type": 2,
"TotalPayment": "85,706.89 PAB"
"RecordID": 153,
"OrderID": "53341-515",
"ShipCountry": "MD",
"ShipCity": "Saharna",
"ShipName": "Leffler, Sawayn and Denesik",
"ShipAddress": "07247 Del Sol Hill",
"CompanyEmail": "fshank48@spotify.com",
"CompanyAgent": "Findley Shank",
"CompanyName": "Reilly LLC",
"Currency": "MDL",
"Notes": "dui nec nisi volutpat eleifend donec ut dolor morbi vel lectus in quam fringilla rhoncus mauris enim leo",
"Department": "Industrial",
"Website": "discuz.net",
"Latitude": 47.6949791,
"Longitude": 28.9654659,
"ShipDate": "1\/17\/2016",
"PaymentDate": "2017-01-05 15:53:50",
"TimeZone": "Europe\/Chisinau",
"Status": 6,
"Type": 1,
"TotalPayment": "993,295.17 MDL"
"RecordID": 112,
"OrderID": "50580-198",
"ShipCountry": "PT",
"ShipCity": "Loureiro",
"ShipName": "Labadie, Hegmann and Jones",
"ShipAddress": "9986 Arapahoe Place",
"CompanyEmail": "bglaister33@bbb.org",
"CompanyAgent": "Baxie Glaister",
"CompanyName": "Stark, Haley and Koepp",
"Currency": "EUR",
"Notes": "suspendisse potenti in eleifend quam a odio in hac habitasse platea dictumst maecenas",
"Department": "Tools",
"Website": "apple.com",
"Latitude": 41.4808684,
"Longitude": -8.3624629,
"ShipDate": "1\/17\/2016",
"PaymentDate": "2016-04-24 01:53:42",
"TimeZone": "Europe\/Lisbon",
"Status": 3,
"Type": 3,
"TotalPayment": "9,705.78 EUR"
"RecordID": 29,
"OrderID": "30142-106",
"ShipCountry": "RU",
"ShipCity": "Loukhi",
"ShipName": "Klein-Streich",
"ShipAddress": "61 Cascade Plaza",
"CompanyEmail": "mgallamores@businesswire.com",
"CompanyAgent": "Minor Gallamore",
"CompanyName": "Huels-Strosin",
"Currency": "RUB",
"Notes": "sollicitudin ut suscipit a feugiat et eros vestibulum ac est lacinia nisi venenatis tristique",
"Department": "Beauty",
"Website": "epa.gov",
"Latitude": 66.0733463,
"Longitude": 33.0544476,
"ShipDate": "1\/17\/2016",
"PaymentDate": "2016-03-09 04:40:38",
"TimeZone": "Europe\/Moscow",
"Status": 2,
"Type": 2,
"TotalPayment": "931,956.17 RUB"
"RecordID": 135,
"OrderID": "49348-387",
"ShipCountry": "FR",
"ShipCity": "Sens",
"ShipName": "Collins, Hackett and Vandervort",
"ShipAddress": "594 Hanover Crossing",
"CompanyEmail": "tkiezler3q@live.com",
"CompanyAgent": "Tommy Kiezler",
"CompanyName": "Eichmann and Sons",
"Currency": "EUR",
"Notes": "etiam faucibus cursus urna ut tellus nulla ut erat id mauris vulputate elementum nullam varius nulla facilisi",
"Department": "Toys",
"Website": "instagram.com",
"Latitude": 48.1903349,
"Longitude": 3.2995005,
"ShipDate": "1\/18\/2017",
"PaymentDate": "2016-12-28 03:56:57",
"TimeZone": "Europe\/Paris",
"Status": 2,
"Type": 2,
"TotalPayment": "811,814.44 EUR"
Field | Type | Description |
meta |
object |
Meta object should contain the metadata that required for the datatable pagination to work. |
meta.page |
number |
The current page number. |
meta.pages |
number |
Total number of pages available in the server. |
meta.perpage |
number |
Total records per page. |
meta.total |
number |
Total all records number available in the server |
meta.sort |
string |
Sort type asc for ascending and desc for descending. |
meta.field |
string |
Field name which the sort should be applied to. |
data |
array |
Array of objects. |
Datatable has no full native Angular directive at the moment. But you can initilize it by jQuery.
To initialize Datatable
in Angular, init under
Angular hook function and cast jQuery element object with
ngAfterViewInit() {
let datatable = (<any>$('#m_datatable')).mDatatable(options);
ngOnInit() {
let datatable = (<any>$('#m_datatable')).mDatatable(options);
var datatableOptions = {
extensions: {
checkbox: {
vars: {
selectedAllRows: 'selectedAllRows',
requestIds: 'requestIds',
rowIds: 'meta.rowIds',
Field | Type | Description |
vars.selectedAllRows |
string |
Flag params for selected all rows, to be sent to the server in the request. |
vars.requestIds |
string |
Enable to request the all rows IDs from server. |
vars.rowIds |
string |
Response path for all rows IDs in the server response. |
Angular is a structural framework for dynamic web apps. It lets you use HTML as your template language and lets you extend HTML's syntax to express your application's components clearly. Angular's data binding and dependency injection eliminate much of the code you would otherwise have to write. And it all happens within the browser.
.Path | Description |
app | The final build of Angular |
node_modules | The node_modules/ directory is only for build tools.
package.json file in the app root defines what libraries will be installed into
node_modules/ when you run npm install .
src | Main source folder |
app | Main app folder |
_directives | Contains directive for HTML modification |
_services | Services for script lazy loader |
auth | Authentication module for registration, login, and forgot password. |
theme | This is where theme partials is located. |
app.component.html | Main app template |
app.component.ts | Main app typescript |
app.module.ts | Main app module. The place where to import and declare required components. |
app-routing.module.ts | Base routing for the app. More routes can be found in
theme folder
helpers.ts | Helper functions |
assets | This folder will contain all the assets needed for app that are not related to Angular code. |
environments | This folder contains one file for each of destination environments, each exporting simple configuration variables to use in application |
index.html | The index.html lives at the root of front-end structure. The
index.html file will primarily handle loading in all the libraries and Angular elements.
main.ts | The main entry point for your app. |
polyfills.ts |
Angular is built on the latest standards of the web platform. A particular browser may require at least one polyfill to run any Angular application. You may need additional polyfills for specific features. IE9, IE10 and IE11 requires to enable polyfills. Read more angular.io/guide/browser-support |
styles.ts | Global styles go here which styles that affect all of your app need to be in a central place. |
tsconfig.app.ts | TypeScript compiler configuration for the Angular app. |
typings.ts | TypeScript adds static typing to JavaScript. |
.angular-cli.json | Angular CLI loads its configuration from .angular-cli.json |
package.json | A package.json file contains meta data about app or module. Most importantly, it includes the list of dependencies to install from npm when running npm install. |
tsconfig.json |
tsconfig.json file in a directory indicates that the directory is the root of a TypeScript project.
tsconfig.json file specifies the root files and the compiler options required to compile the project.
Please build the theme first at Tasks section before start to build the Angular app.
Angular CLI is a command line interface for the latest Angular. Please install it before start with the Angular app.
npm install --global @angular/cli@latest
If you have Angular CLI installed previously, please update it to the latest Angular CLI. Remove the older version and re-install it.
npm uninstall --global @angular/cli
npm install --global @angular/cli@latest
Run this command line in the Angular demo directory.
This build process will use method of ahead-of-time (AOT) compilation.
The ahead-of-time (AOT) compiler can catch template errors early and improve performance by compiling at build time.
The compiled Angular app will be in the folder
ng build --prod
With AOT, the browser downloads a pre-compiled version of the application. The browser loads executable code so it can render the application immediately, without waiting to compile the app first.
ng build --prod --op=app
to specify which folder to output. If not set,
folder will be the default.
For demo, please run build with
for the Angular demo links in the documentation to work.
If you're serving the app out of a subfolder, edit a version of index.html to set the base href appropriately.
For example, if the URL to index.html
, set the base href to:
<base href="/my/app/">
You also can set the base href right in the ng build
ng build --prod --base-href="/my/app/"
There is actually only one Angular compiler. The difference between AOT and JIT is a matter of timing and tooling. With AOT, the compiler runs once at build time using one set of libraries; with JIT it runs every time for every user at runtime using a different set of libraries. To use JIT build, run this command line to build.
ng build --prod --aot=false
AOT build process can be failed due to
JavaScript heap out of memory
error. This is a known
issue of Angular-cli.
For the the temporary solution of this issue, you can use this workaround to increase allowed memory for node process.
For Windows users:
node --max_old_space_size=8192 "node_modules\@angular\cli\bin\ng" build --prod
For Linux and Mac users:
node --max_old_space_size=8192 ./node_modules/.bin/ng build --prod
Angular is built on the latest standards of the web platform. Targeting such a wide range of browsers is challenging because they do not support all features of modern browsers. A particular browser may require at least one polyfill to run any Angular application. You may need additional polyfills for specific features.
To support Angular in IE, open this file
Uncomment all the imports under Browser Polyfills list and classlist.js
Read more about browser support here https://angular.io/guide/browser-support
After generating Angular version layout from the builder, the generated Angular source code can be found in
. Each demo will generate different Angular app.
To setup Angular app, go to Angular app root and install Angular dependencies by this command line.
npm install
Start node development server for Angular by this command line, then you can access it at
via browser.
npm start
This is optional tool for formatting Angular source code which is Typescript. When you run
npm install
, formatting will be done automatically. But, everytime you generate a new Angular app, you will need to run this manually to reformat the source code.
npm run tsformat
mApp and mUtil are the Metronic base utilize class that privide helper functions.
The source files are located at
Declare mApp
or mUtil
at the top of the component.
declare let mApp: any;
declare let mUtil: any;
Sample code
Take one of the Angular demo. Eg.
Remove all files and folders under
. This is where the pages is located.
Please note that all files under
is required for the theme layout, like header, footer, menu templates, etc.
Remove demo pages routes from routing file
You can use the Metronic online layout builder for the latest theme version using following URL:
You can switch to a specific demo by spesifing the demo ID in the URL:
Sample API in theme demos are included for user references.
. These server side scrips and json files are used by datatable, dropzone, jstree, typeahead and other plugin demos.
The sample API is built using PHP code. Please check the section Config and Tasks above for updating the API URL in the source to our demo site.
ASP.NET Zero is a starting point for new web projects based on our Metronic Theme UI. For more info please visit the product website.
Get it as your base application and directly start to develop your business code with:
For more info please check Full List Of Features.
Our collection of bootstrap themes and templates are totally free and you may use them for your private or commercial projects at absolutely no cost.
If you need theme customization or custom web development, please provide your project details using this form and one of our well established development partners will get back to you with a free quote.
JANGO is a multi-purpose Bootstrap HTML5 component based theme. JANGO is incredibly robust and flexible that will easily be able to support every site development such as corporate, portfolio, blogs, product showcases, landing / one-page sites and much more to power any starting point for new web projects based on our Metronic Theme UI. For more info please visit the product page.
JANGO Drupal is an ever expanding, fully responsive and multi-purpose Drupal 7/8 theme powered by Visual Shortcodes and Layout Builder. For more info please visit the product page.