- UI Features
- Tree Views & Controls
- Dashboard
UI Features
- Metronic Grid System
- Color Library
- General Components
- Buttons
- Spinner Buttons
- Popover Confirmations
- Bootstrap Sweet Alerts
- Font Icons
- Social Icons
- Typography
- Tabs, Accordions & Navs
- Timeline 1
- Timeline 2
- Horizontal Timeline
- Tree View
- Page Progress Bar
- Block UI
- Bootstrap Growl Notifications
- Notific8 Notifications
- Toastr Notifications
- Bootbox Dialogs
- Metronic Alerts API
- Session Timeout
- User Idle Timeout
- Modals
- Extended Modals
- Tiles
- Date Paginator
- Nestable List
- Date & Time Pickers
- Color Pickers 2
- Select2 Dropdowns
- Bootstrap Select
- Bootstrap Multiple Select
- Bootstrap Multiselect Dropdowns
- Select Splitter
- Clipboard
- Typeahead Autocomplete
- Bootstrap Tagsinput
- Bootstrap Switch 6
- Bootstrap Maxlength
- Bootstrap File Input
- Bootstrap Touchspin
- Form Widgets & Tools
- Context Menu
- Markdown & WYSIWYG Editors
- Code Editors
- Ion Range Sliders
- NoUI Range Sliders
- Knob Circle Dials
- Form Stuff
- Elements
- Tables
- Portlets
- Charts
- Maps
- Blank Page
- eCommerce
- Apps
- User
- General
- System
- Multi Level Menu
jsTree jQuery Plugin
jsTree is jquery plugin, that provides interactive trees. jsTree functions properly in either box-model (content-box or border-box), can be loaded as an AMD module, and has a built in mobile theme for responsive design, that can easily be customized. It uses jQuery's event system, so binding callbacks on various events in the tree is familiar and easy. For more info please check out the official documentation.
Note! Opened and selected nodes will be saved in the user's browser, so when returning to the same tree the previous state will be restored.
Note! The tree nodes are loaded from ../demo/jstree_ajax_data.php via ajax.
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